The Research Center of Baltic Languages and Onomastics of the Institute of the Lithuanian Language kindly invites you to participate in the 5th International Scientific Aleksandras Vanagas’ Conference
“Language and Culture Dialogue in 21st Century Onomastics”
The conference will be held on November 7–8, 2024 at the Institute of the Lithuanian Language (P. Vileišio St. 5, LT-10308 Vilnius) and in ZOOM platform
Purpose of the conference – to bring together Lithuanian and foreign researchers for a scholarly discussion on the interaction of language and culture in contemporary Onomastics, focusing on its manifestations, issues and challenges.
Suggested topics
Onyms as a research object in Lithuanian, Baltic and Indo-European studies
Onyms at the intersection of languages and cultures
Signs of national identity in onyms
Between old onomasticon and the written
Links between the historical onomasticon and cultural context
The current coverage of traditional and modern onomastic research
Naming tendencies of people, places and other entities
Conference languages: Lithuanian, Latvian, English.
Duration of the presentations
Keynote presentation – 30 min
Presentation – 20 min
Conference fee
80 EUR, before October 1, 2024.
100 EUR, before November 4, 2024.
Online participation is free of charge.
Conference fee includes cultural events.
Important dates
Deadline for submission of participant forms and abstracts – August 30, 2024.
Notification of acceptance – September 20, 2024.
Publication of the conference program – October 15, 2024.
Requirements for abstracts
1500–2000 characters with spaces.
Scientific committee
Akad. prof. habil. dr. Grasilda Blažienė, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Lithuania (chairperson)
Dr. Laimutis Bilkis, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Lithuania
PD habil. dr. Harald Bichlmeier, Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig, Germany
Assoc. prof. dr. Katharina Leibring, Uppsala University, Sweden
Prof. dr. Aleksandr Iliadi, Konstantin Ushinsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University, Ukraine
Doc. habil. dr. Ilja Lemeškin, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Lithuania
Prof. dr. Daiva Sinkevičiūtė-Villanueva Svensson, Vilnius University, Lithuania
Dr. Anta Trumpa, Institute of the Latvian Language of the University of Latvia, Latvia
Organizing committee
Dr. Darius Ivoška, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Lithuania (chairperson)
Dr. Pavel Skorupa, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Lithuania (vice-chairperson)
Dr. Alma Ragauskaitė, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Lithuania
Dr. Dovilė Tamulaitienė, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Lithuania
Dr. Veslava Sidaravičienė, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Lithuania
Dokt. Alisa Stunžaitė, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Lithuania
Mgr. Dalia Sviderskienė, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Lithuania
Dokt. Marius Glebus, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Lithuania
Povilas Bialoglovis, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Lithuania
The conference is sponsored by the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language and the development agency of the City of Vilnius “Go Vilnius”.